Tesla Dominates as Delivery Drivers and Dispatchers Prefer EVs - Tesery Official Store
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Tesla Dominates as Delivery Drivers and Dispatchers Prefer EVs

by LILucky on Jul 27, 2023

 A recent study conducted by software company Circuit has shed light on the electric vehicle (EV) preferences of delivery drivers and dispatchers, and one brand stands out as the clear favorite — Tesla. The study's findings revealed a noticeable gap between Tesla and other EV manufacturers in terms of preference.

As companies increasingly focus on sustainable practices to reduce their carbon footprints, the adoption of electric vehicles has emerged as a promising solution, offering potential savings in vehicle maintenance and operational costs while ensuring compliance with environmental regulations. To better understand how delivery drivers and dispatchers are contributing to this green transition, Circuit surveyed over 1,000 professionals in the industry.

The study disclosed that approximately one-fifth of dispatchers plan to switch to hybrid or electric vehicles to lower their operating expenses. Interestingly, nearly one in ten delivery drivers reported that they are already driving electric vehicles. When asked about their preferred EV brands, a significant majority — 51% of drivers and 38% of dispatchers — chose Tesla. Ford followed in second place, with 28% of dispatchers and 17% of drivers favoring the brand.

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In total, 20% of dispatchers expressed their intentions to make the switch to electric vehicles, while 7% of delivery drivers stated that they are already driving EVs.

Among the strategies adopted by dispatchers and drivers to make last-mile deliveries more sustainable, the utilization of electric or hybrid vehicles ranked third, chosen by 28% of respondents. The top-ranking approach was the implementation of delivery route optimization solutions, favored by an impressive 73% of participants. Interestingly, 15% of dispatchers even mentioned the utilization of drone technology to reduce carbon emissions.

The significance of adopting electric vehicles becomes evident when considering the massive carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced by gasoline and diesel transportation. In the United States alone, a 2021 report by the US Energy Information Administration estimated approximately 1,486 million metric tons of CO2 emissions from these sources.

While Tesla's vehicles, such as the Tesla Semi, are optimized for long-distance transportation of goods, smaller models like the Model Y are proving to be perfectly suitable for last-mile deliveries. Moreover, upcoming innovations like the Robovan are expected to further improve the efficiency and sustainability of delivery services.

As the demand for eco-friendly transportation solutions continues to rise, Tesla's dominance in the preferences of delivery drivers and dispatchers highlights its reputation as a leader in the electric vehicle market. With ongoing advancements and increasing support for sustainable practices, the future of electric last-mile deliveries looks brighter than ever.


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