Must-Have Summer Accessories for Your Tesla Model 3 - Tesery Official Store
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Must-Have Summer Accessories for Your Tesla Model 3

by LILucky on May 09, 2023

Summer is here, and it's time to hit the road in your Tesla Model 3. However, the intense heat and bright sunshine can make your journey uncomfortable. To tackle this problem, we have compiled a list of essential summer car accessories for your Tesla Model 3. As summer approaches, it's important to have the right accessories to keep your Tesla Model 3 cool and comfortable. 

Sunroof Shade


The sunroof in your Model 3 can let in a lot of heat and sunlight, making the car's interior hot and stuffy. A sunroof shade can block the sun's rays and reduce the heat buildup inside the car. It also protects the upholstery from fading due to UV rays. There are various types of sunroof shades available, such as mesh and reflective materials, which can be installed easily and provide ample shade.

Front Window Shade


The front windshield of your Model 3 is the most vulnerable to the sun's intense rays. A front window shade can block up to 99% of UV rays, which not only keeps the car cooler but also protects the dashboard and steering wheel from fading and cracking due to the sun's heat. It is essential to choose a shade that fits your car's windshield perfectly for maximum effectiveness.



Window Shade


The side windows of your Model 3 can also let in a lot of heat and sunlight. Window shades are available in various sizes and designs and can be installed quickly and easily. They can block up to 95% of UV rays and keep the car's interior cool and comfortable.


Mini Humidifier


The air inside your car can get dry and uncomfortable during the summer. A humidifier can add moisture to the air and make it more comfortable to breathe. It also helps prevent dry skin, allergies, and respiratory problems. There are various types of humidifiers available, such as ultrasonic and evaporative, which are portable and easy to use.



Vent Cover


The vent cover helps direct airflow from the Tesla Model 3's air conditioning system. This is especially useful if you want to direct cool air to specific areas of the car, such as the driver's seat or the back seat. AC vent covers also help reduce the amount of cold air escaping from the vent, helping your air conditioning system to work more efficiently. Find an air vent cover for your specific make and model of Tesla Model 3.



Air Filter


A clean filter is critical to maintaining your Tesla Model 3's air conditioning system. Over time, your AC filter can become clogged with dirt and debris, reducing the efficiency of your air conditioning system. A dirty cabin filter can also lead to bad smells in your car. Regularly replace the AC filter to keep your Tesla Model 3's air conditioning system in top condition.


 All in all, these summer car accessories are must-haves for every Tesla Model 3 owner looking for a comfortable and enjoyable ride during the hot summer months. Installing them not only keeps your car cooler, but also protects its interior from damaging UV rays. So get ready for your next road trip and enjoy the summer with these must-have auto accessories.

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