Tesla's Autopilot Controversy: Injuries, Warnings, and Legal Battles - Tesery Official Store
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Tesla's Autopilot Controversy: Injuries, Warnings, and Legal Battles

by Lucky LI on Aug 14, 2023

On February 27, 2021, a 2019 Tesla Model X, reportedly operating on Autopilot, collided with a police vehicle at a speed of 54 mph. The crash occurred during a routine traffic stop, leaving five police officers and the pulled-over driver injured.

Although reports indicate that the Model X driver was intoxicated at the time, legal action has been taken by the injured police officers against Tesla. Their lawsuit alleges inadequate measures taken by Tesla to address concerns related to its Autopilot driver-assist system. The officers are seeking damages ranging from $1 million to $20 million to cover their injuries and lasting disabilities.

An investigation conducted by The Wall Street Journal delved into the incident, revealing crucial details about the 2019 Model X's behavior. Prior to the crash, Autopilot issued a staggering 150 warnings to the driver, spanning over 34 minutes, urging the driver to assume control of the vehicle.

Remarkably, despite the driver's reportedly intoxicated state, the Autopilot's advisories were heeded after the 150th warning. However, this decision came a mere 2.5 seconds and 37 yards before the Model X would collide with the parked police vehicle. Intriguingly, Autopilot attempted to halt the vehicle's progress, but the system disengaged, expecting the driver to intervene.

Tesla's stance on the matter attributes blame to the intoxicated Model X driver. In a certain light, Tesla's argument holds merit, as a non-Autopilot-equipped vehicle might have resulted in an immediate collision once the driver's attention waned, potentially causing even more severe injuries. Nevertheless, the sheer volume of warnings—150 in total—raises questions about the Autopilot's effectiveness.

Perhaps, in situations where a driver receives such an overwhelming number of warnings from Autopilot, a prudent course of action could involve programming the Tesla to autonomously pull over. This would serve as a clear indication that the driver is disengaged from the road, prioritizing safety for all parties involved.

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