Elon Musk's Meeting with Thailand's Prime Minister Highlights Tesla's Impact on Southeast Asia - Tesery Official Store
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Elon Musk's Meeting with Thailand's Prime Minister Highlights Tesla's Impact on Southeast Asia

by Lucky LI on Sep 23, 2023

Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently sat down with Thailand's Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin in New York City, sparking discussions on a wide range of topics. Prime Minister Thavisin himself confirmed this meeting, shedding light on their talks about Tesla, SpaceX, and Starlink—three entities under Musk's control

In a tweet, Prime Minister Thavisin shared his thoughts: "Met with @elonmusk and team during my trip to #UNGA in New York. We had a good conversation on @Tesla, @SpaceX, and @Starlink technology. I am impressed with the advance the group has made for humanity, and we share a common view of the future for a cleaner world. We look forward to further discussions. Look forward to more inspirational successes of the #EV and #SpaceExploration breakthrough – for not only Thais but also the global community."

Tesla has been a notable presence in Thailand's electric vehicle (EV) market since last year when it introduced the Model 3 and Model Y. These vehicles garnered significant attention, leading to a surge in reservations. It's worth noting that Tesla's cars in Thailand are produced at the Gigafactory Shanghai plant in China, a facility contributing substantially to the automaker's overall production capacity.

The first Tesla units arrived in February this year, marking an expansion of the company's footprint in Asia. Interestingly, Thailand has been using Model 3 vehicles for its National Police Force since early 2020, and these vehicles continue to be on lease. They serve as law enforcement cruisers until 2025.

While Tesla has been engaged in discussions with several countries about establishing new automotive plants, it doesn't appear that Thailand is currently in the mix. Musk maintains positive relationships with many world leaders, and meetings with Prime Ministers, Presidents, and other government officials serve as platforms for brainstorming sustainable solutions.

Electric vehicles are steadily gaining popularity in Southeast Asia, as demonstrated by a recent Reuters report. In Q2 2023, electric vehicles accounted for 6.4 percent of passenger car sales, a notable increase from the 3.8 percent seen in Q1. Thailand plays a pivotal role, representing roughly 50 percent of these sales. Vietnam and Indonesia follow suit, with BYD emerging as the region's favored automaker.

As Tesla continues to make waves in Southeast Asia and beyond, it's clear that the company's impact on the EV landscape is substantial and far-reaching.

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