Have you ever check your Tesla chassis? - Tesery Official Store
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Have you ever check your Tesla chassis?

by Ruijia You on Mar 11, 2023

Will it be okay if the Tesla chassis is hit?

Whether the Tesla chassis will be hit or not needs to be judged according to the degree of bump. If the chassis bump marks are relatively slight, there is no sag and leakage of liquid, and there is no fault light in the vehicle machinery system, then this situation is likely to be OK; However, if the car has other abnormal conditions, it is likely that the chassis components are damaged after the collision.


It should be noted that the chassis of the car has a certain impact resistance, the chassis protection plate is composed of nearly 1 cm thick steel plate, as long as the speed is not particularly fast, then generally hit small stones, broken brick head will not have any impact, after all, the car is not so fragile as we think.
Of course, because the battery pack of the pure electric vehicle is placed on the site, the consequences of the chassis collision can be large or small. It is suggested that everyone should send the vehicle for inspection as soon as possible regardless of the chassis problem. For specific steps, please refer to the following steps.


Tesla Chassis hit Handling Process

  1. After the collision of the vehicle chassis, the driver should immediately find a safe place to pull over, and get off to check the damage of the chassis;

  1. If the chassis cannot be seen clearly, first leave the vehicle standing for a period of time, and then check whether the chassis has accumulated or leaked liquid. If there is liquid leakage, the battery pack may be damaged;

  2. Contact the insurance company, ask the staff to assess the loss, and claim compensation from the insurance company;

  1. Contact Tesla's after-sales service, inform them of the damage, and judge whether the car should be taken for maintenance or towed by a trailer after comprehensive consideration;

  1. Wait for the car repair.


Is there a prompt for the broken Tesla chassis

Yes, there is. The intelligent performance of cars is very excellent nowadays. As long as any part of the vehicle has a fault problem, the corresponding fault light will be on. However, when the fault light is not on, it does not mean that the car is fine, so the safest way is to check the car in time to ensure the absolute safety of driving.

At last, taking car to repair shop can only fix if your chassis is damged, if you want to directly avoid chassis damage, these two products may help you:

Chassis protection plate for Tesla Model Y 2020-2023Chassis protection plate for Tesla Model 3 2017-2023

Model Y Ownerhttps://www.tesery.com/products/copy-of-chassis-protection-plate-y

Model 3 Ownerhttps://www.tesery.com/products/chassis-protection-plate


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