Tesla Delivery Day Checklist 2023: A Comprehensive Guide for a Flawless Experience - Tesery Official Store
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Tesla Delivery Day Checklist 2023: A Comprehensive Guide for a Flawless Experience

by LILucky on Dec 15, 2023

Congratulations on your decision to join the Tesla family! As you eagerly await your new Tesla, it's crucial to be well-prepared for the big day. In this detailed guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to ensure a smooth and satisfying Delivery Day.

Section 1: Pre-Delivery Verification

Ensuring Paperwork Precision

Before the excitement peaks, take a moment to confirm crucial details:

  • Verify the accuracy of your personal information on paperwork.
  • Match the vehicle's VIN with the provided documents.
  • Bring proof of down payment, final payment details, and a printed insurance card.

Section 2: Exterior Inspection

Unveiling Your Tesla's Exterior Beauty

Give your Tesla a thorough external check:

  • Inspect paint for defects and examine the vehicle underside.
  • Ensure proper alignment of body panels, lights, and glass roof panels.
  • Check wheel rims, glass surfaces, and exterior lights.
  • Verify the effectiveness of weather seals.

Section 3: In the Driver's Seat

Taking the Driver's Seat: Your First Experience

Get comfortable and test vital components:

  • Check for error messages on the display screen.
  • Verify window operation, AC/Heat functionality, and sound system.
  • Inspect the driver's seat emergency release and test all windows.

Section 4: Interior Inspection

Examine the interior closely:

  • Inspect seat upholstery, dash, and carpets.
  • Check seatbelts, seat movement, and rear seat operations.
  • Ensure proper functionality of interior components.

Section 5: Connectivity Inspection

Test connectivity features:

  • Check USB ports, wireless phone charger, and key card functionality.
  • Pair your smartphone with Bluetooth and test functions.

Section 6: Lighting Inspection

Illuminating Your Drive: A Lighting Checklist

Inspect the vehicle's lighting:

  • Check vanity mirrors, overhead lights, door puddle lights, and more.

Section 7: Charging Ability Inspection

Powering Up Your Tesla: A Charging Check

Check the charging ability:

  • Inspect the charge port door, indicator light, and charging kit.
  • Test the mobile charging kit with various adapters and test the supercharger.

Section 8: Final Tasks

Sealing the Deal: Finalizing Your Tesla Delivery

Complete your delivery experience:

  • Confirm car status in Tesla's network and obtain necessary paperwork.
  • Consider must-have Tesla accessories for a customized experience.

With this comprehensive checklist in hand, you're ready to embrace your new Tesla with confidence. Ensure every detail is perfect, setting the stage for an incredible journey with your electric companion. Enjoy the ride!

Enhance Your Tesla Experience with Essential Accessories

As you embark on your Tesla journey, don't forget to equip your new electric companion with top-notch accessories. Elevate, personalize, and safeguard your driving experience from day one. Explore a curated selection of premium Tesla accessories, including weatherproof floor mats, screen protectors, phone mounts, storage solutions, cleaning supplies, and more.

Visit Accessories For tesery.com to discover the highest-rated products that seamlessly integrate with your Tesla. Elevate your driving experience and protect your investment with accessories designed specifically for Tesla owners. Whether you're looking to enhance aesthetics, improve functionality, or safeguard your Tesla's interior, these accessories are tailored to meet the demands of Tesla enthusiasts like you.

Make the most of your Tesla ownership experience by investing in accessories that complement the innovative design and cutting-edge technology of your electric vehicle. Explore the possibilities at Tesery Accessories and embark on a journey of personalization, protection, and unparalleled driving satisfaction.

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