Tesla Semi Program: Latest Updates and Future Prospects - Tesery Official Store

Tesla Semi Program: Latest Updates and Future Prospects

ohi Lucky LI päälle May 21, 2024

Tesla's Senior Manager of the Semi program, Dan Priestley, recently shared exciting updates about the Tesla Semi at the ACT Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada. During his presentation, Priestley highlighted several key milestones and provided insights into Tesla's ambitious plans for the future of this groundbreaking vehicle.

In his talk, Priestley provided detailed specifications of the Tesla Semi, which are instrumental for both potential customers and industry analysts. The 300-mile Standard Range version of the Tesla Semi has a tare weight of less than 20,000 lbs. In contrast, the 500-mile Long Range variant boasts a tare weight of less than 23,000 lbs. These figures represent the vehicle’s weight without cargo, a crucial piece of information that Tesla has kept relatively quiet about until now.

One of the standout features discussed was the Tesla Semi’s Megacharger Network. This innovative charging solution allows the all-electric Class 8 truck to achieve over 1,000 miles of daily driving. The Megacharger Network's efficiency and speed could enable the Semi to compete head-to-head with traditional diesel-powered trucks, even when it comes to long-haul payload capabilities.

Priestley revealed that the Tesla Semi fleet has collectively driven 3.5 million miles. This extensive real-world usage has not only helped Tesla refine the Semi but has also contributed to the electrification of its supply chain. The Tesla Semi is a regular sight at Tesla’s Fremont Factory and the Lathrop Megafactory, underscoring its integral role in Tesla’s logistics and transportation operations.

Looking ahead, Tesla has set an ambitious target to produce 50,000 units of the all-electric Class 8 truck annually. Priestley mentioned that this production goal is expected to be met once the Nevada production facility reaches full ramp-up, which is projected around 2026. By that time, Tesla aims to have further improved the Semi, making it an even more formidable competitor in the trucking industry.

The ongoing development and expansion of the Tesla Semi program highlight Tesla's commitment to revolutionizing the trucking industry with sustainable and high-performance electric vehicles.

Watch Dan Priestley’s full presentation at the ACT Expo event in Las Vegas, Nevada, in the video below:

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