Tesla to Discontinue Steam Gaming Support in New Vehicles: What It Means for Owners - Tesery Official Store
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Tesla to Discontinue Steam Gaming Support in New Vehicles: What It Means for Owners

por {{ author }} Lucky LI sobre May 17, 2024

Tesla has recently announced that new vehicle models will no longer support Steam gaming, a feature that was introduced in December 2022 with the annual Holiday Update for the Model S and Model X. This decision marks a significant shift for the company, which had previously promoted in-car gaming as a major innovation.

The Rise and Fall of Tesla’s In-Car Gaming

Steam, a popular gaming platform known for its extensive library of titles, was integrated into Tesla vehicles nearly two years ago. This move, championed by CEO Elon Musk, was intended to transform the in-car experience, making long trips more entertaining and aligning with Tesla’s vision of a future dominated by autonomous vehicles.

Why Tesla Is Removing Steam Support

Owners of new Tesla models have been informed that their vehicles will lack the gaming capabilities that were once a selling point. This change comes amidst broader cost-cutting measures by the automaker, which includes significant layoffs, affecting between 10 to 20 percent of its workforce. These layoffs are part of Tesla’s efforts to preserve cash as it navigates a challenging economic environment.

Speculation on platforms like Reddit has offered various theories for the removal of Steam support. Some believe it’s due to the feature’s low usage rate, while others suggest that the gaming experience did not meet Tesla’s high standards or that it led to excessive battery drain.

The Impact on Tesla’s Future

The discontinuation of Steam gaming could be seen as a step back from Tesla’s ambitious plans to create a fully autonomous, entertainment-rich travel experience. The integration of gaming was perceived as a precursor to a world where passengers, freed from the task of driving, could enjoy a variety of in-car activities. With this feature no longer available in new deliveries, Tesla may need to explore other avenues to enhance its vehicles’ appeal.

What This Means for Current and Future Tesla Owners

Current Tesla owners who already have Steam gaming capabilities in their vehicles can continue to enjoy this feature. However, new buyers should be aware that this option is off the table for now. This shift might influence purchasing decisions for those who valued the in-car entertainment options that Tesla once heavily promoted.


While the removal of Steam gaming from new Tesla models might disappoint some fans, it reflects a broader strategy to streamline operations and reduce costs. As Tesla continues to innovate and adapt, it remains to be seen how the company will balance cost-saving measures with the need to maintain its cutting-edge reputation.

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