Tesla and Industry Giants Embrace Climate TRACE: A Revolutionary Emission Tracking Database - Tesery Official Store
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Tesla and Industry Giants Embrace Climate TRACE: A Revolutionary Emission Tracking Database

by Lucky LI on Dec 04, 2023

In a groundbreaking move towards sustainable practices, Tesla, along with industry heavyweights like General Motors (GM), Polestar, Boeing, and Muir AI, has officially committed to utilizing Climate TRACE, a cutting-edge database designed to monitor greenhouse gas emissions. This significant agreement was unveiled at the COP28 climate conference, where U.S. Vice President Al Gore presented this year's report.

Developed by Gore's global climate coalition, Climate TRACE employs a sophisticated combination of satellite technology and machine learning to meticulously track ongoing greenhouse gas emissions from various pollution sources worldwide. With coverage extending to more than 350 million pollution sites, including mining areas, steel mills, and power plants, the database offers a comprehensive and independent perspective on emissions.

The primary objective of Climate TRACE is to provide companies with accurate and real-time data on supply chain emissions. This enables businesses like Tesla and GM to make informed decisions in building low-emission supply chains. The database serves as a crucial alternative to self-reported information from suppliers, promoting transparency and aiding companies in selecting partners aligned with decarbonization goals.

The initial focus of this collaboration involves studying emissions from steel and aluminum suppliers, marking the coalition's first "proof of concept." However, plans are underway to expand partnerships in the coming year, addressing supply chains in sectors such as beef, rice, lumber, and cement products. The coalition is also exploring the possibility of regular publications of air pollution information on a weekly or monthly basis.

While Climate TRACE leverages machine learning models to evaluate vast amounts of emissions data, it acknowledges the potential risk of overlooking certain emission sources or infrequent yet impactful events, such as methane plumes. To address this, the database incorporates uncertainty estimates and confidence levels for each asset, enabling users to consider outlier events by assigning confidence and uncertainty ratings.

Gavin McCormick, co-founder of the coalition, emphasizes that many countries tend to measure what they know about emissions and assume the rest is negligible—a misconception that Climate TRACE aims to rectify. As a company at the forefront of renewable energy and electric vehicle manufacturing, Tesla's commitment to strict emissions rules is exemplified by its advocacy in 2021 to reinstate higher penalties on emissions violations, contributing to the widespread adoption of electric vehicles.

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